Library reopening
The Taguspark campus Library has reopened on April 19.
Until further notice, the following should be taken into consideration:
Library opening hours (from Monday to Friday, except holidays. Closed in August):
- Books room (Service desk): 10h-13h, 14h-18h
- Individual study rooms (Largest Room and Aquarium): 8h-20h
- Group study rooms: closed
NOTES: the library may not be available if requested for evaluations.
- The use of face mask is mandatory, as defined in IST regulations.
- Furniture should not be moved.
- Book loans can be made in take-away or presential mode.
- Access to shelves will be allowed to one user at a time after sanitize hands.
- Each one should clean his/her working place. Cleaning supplies are provided.
- Access to the library is restricted to IST community.