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One of the main responsibilities of the Administrative and Financial Management Area at the Oeiras Campus is to ensure strict compliance with property regulations, working closely with the IST Budget and Property Department. This joint work aims to ensure the correct management and control of institutional assets, in order to preserve assets and optimize available resources.

One of its functions is the inventorying of fixed assets, a continuous and detailed process which involves the permanent updating of the fixed asset files of movable property.

In addition, the Administrative and Financial Management Area ensures that the process of labeling movable assets is carried out correctly and in accordance with the established guidelines, ensuring that all assets are properly identified and registered.

Lastly, the area is responsible for receiving delivery notes, changes of location and proposals for scrapping assets. These documents are carefully analyzed and forwarded to the Property Management Unit, where they will be assessed to ensure compliance with heritage standards and take the necessary action, such as updating the inventory or properly disposing of obsolete assets.


Office 1.37 (1st floor)


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